Professional Title: Associate professor<br> Degree: Doctor of Science<br> Subsidiary: Research Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development<br> E-mail: aishaowei@163.com; 82309702@qq.com <br>

Professional Title: associate professor<br> Degree: Doctor of History<br> Subsidiary: Research Institute of yellow river civilizationCivilization<br> E-mail: minxiangpeng@sohu.com <br>

Professional Title: Associate Professor<br> Degree: Doctor of Science<br> Subsidiary: Institutional Change and Economic Development Institute<br> E-mail:zhaojianji@126.com <br>

Professional Title: Professor<br> Degree: Doctor of Science<br> Subsidiary:spatio-temporal social science and urban computing laboratory<br> E-mail: gpdong_henu@outlook.com/guanpengdong@gmail.com