
Full-time Researchers Name:Guanpeng Dong



Personal details

Guanpeng Dong, Professor in Quantitative Human Geography, Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development & Collaborative Innovation Center for Yellow River Civilization, Henan University

Educational qualifications

2011/09 - 2014/09,University of Bristol, School of Geographical Sciences, PhD in Advanced Quantitative Methods

2008/09 - 2011/06,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academic of Sciences, Beijing, China. MSc

2004/09 - 2008/06,Henan University, School of Environment and Planning, BSc

Academic Positions

2014 - 2016, University of Sheffield, Sheffield Methods Institute, Post-doctoral research fellow

2016 - 2019, University of Liverpool, Department of Geography and Planning, Lecturer (Tenured)

2019 - , Henan University

Research Interests

Spatio-temporal statistical model development and applications; Multi-level modelling; Geocomputation;

Environment and Wellbeing; Sustainable development

Selected research outputs

1.Selected research funding

  1. Analysing Multi-dimensional and multi-scale inequalities in Scottish Society. 10/2017 – 10/2021. Co-I, The UK Economic & Social Research Council Large Grant Scheme. ~2,049,511 Pounds. Grant number (ES/P009301/1).

  2. Dynamics of Health & Environmental Inequality in Hebei Province, China. 31/01/2017 – 31/12/2018, Co-I, The UK Economic & Social Research Council. ~200,000 Pounds. Grant number (ES/P003567/1).

  3. Financing Clean Air. 01/2019 – 01/2022. Co-I, The Joint European and NSFC project, funded by The UK Economic & Social Research Council Large Grant Scheme. ~£1,500,000 Pounds

2.Selected publications

  1. Dong, G P, Ma J, Chen M X, Lee D, Pryce G & Chen Y. (2019). Developing a Locally Adaptive Spatial Multilevel Logistic Model to Analyze Ecological Effects on Health Using Individual Census Records.Annals of the American Association of Geographers( [SSCI/一区]

  2. Dong, G P**, Wolf L, Alexiou A & Arribas-Bel D. (2019). Inferring neighbourhood quality with property transaction records by using a locally adaptive spatial multi-level model.Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 79: 118-125 [SSCI/一区]

  3. Dong, G P, Ma J, Wei R & Haycox J. (2019). Electric vehicle charging point placement optimisation by exploiting spatial statistics and maximal coverage location models.Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 67: 77-88. [SSCI/一区]

  4. Dong, G P**, Nakaya T and Brunsdon C. (2018). Geographically weighted regression models for ordinal categorical response variables: An application to geo-referenced life satisfaction data.Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 70, 35-42 [SSCI/一区].

  5. Dong, G P**, Ma J, Kwan M P, Wang Y & Chai Y. (2018). Multi-level temporal autoregressive modelling of daily activity satisfaction using GPS-integrated activity diary data.International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 32, 2189-2208 [SSCI/一区].

  6. Dong, G P**, Ma J, Harris R and Pryce G. (2016). Spatial Random Slope Multilevel Modelling using Multivariate Conditional Autoregressive Models.Annals of the American Association of Geographers106(1): 19-35. [SSCI/一区].

  7. Dong, G P**and Harris, R. (2015). Spatial Autoregressive Models for Geographically Hierarchical Data Structures.Geographical Analysis47, 173-191. [SSCI/二区].

  8. Dong, G P,and Wu, W. (2016). Schools, Land markets and spatial effects.Land Use Policy, 59, 366-374.


  9. Ma, J, Mitchell, G,Dong, G P**and Zhang W Z. (2017). Inequality in Beijing: A spatial Multilevel Analysis of Perceived Environmental Hazard and Self-rated Health.Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 107:109-129. [SSCI/一区]

  10. Ma, J,Dong, G P**, Chen Y and Zhang W Z. (2018). Does satisfactory neighbourhood environment lead to a satisfying life? An investigation of the association between neighbourhood environment and life satisfaction in Beijing.Cities, 74, 229-239. [SSCI/一区]

  11. Dang, Y,Dong, G P**,ChenY,Zhang, W Z & Jones K. (2019). Residential Environment and Subjective Well-being in Beijing: A Fine-grained Spatial Scale Analysis using a Bivariate Response Binomial Multilevel Model.Environment and Planning B:Urban Analytics and City Science, 46: 648-667. [SSCI/二区].

  12. Ma, J, Chen, Y andDong, G P**(2018). Flexible Spatial Multilevel Modelling of Neighbourhood Satisfaction in Beijing.Professional Geographer. 70(1): 11-21. [SSCI]

  13. Baily N,Dong, G P**, Minton, J and Pryce, G (2018). Reconsidering the relationship between air pollution and deprivation.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15 (4). [SSCI/二区]

  14. Dang, Y, ChenY &Dong, G P**. (2019). Settlement intention of migrants in the Yangtze River Delta, China: The importance of city-scale contextual effects.Population, Space and Place.[SSCI/一区]

  15. Ma J, Mitchell G, Liu B &Dong, G P**. (2018). A spatial analysis of air pollution and environmental inequality in Beijing, 2000-2010. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management( [SSCI/二区]

  16. Dean, N,Dong, G P**, Piekut, A and Pryce, G (2019). Frontiers in residential segregation: Understanding neighbourhood boundaries and their impacts.Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie110: 271-288. [SSCI]

  17. Wu, W andDong, G P.(2014). Valuing the "green" amenities in a spatial context.Journal of Regional Science, 54: 569-585. [SSCI/一区]

  18. Harris, R,Dong, G Pand Zhang, W. (2013). Using Contextualized Geographically Weighted Regression to Model the Spatial Heterogeneity of Land Prices in Beijing, China.Transaction in GIS, 17: 901-919. [SSCI/二区]

  19. Dong, G P, Harris R, Jones K and Yu J. (2015). Multilevel Modelling with Spatial Interaction Effects with Application to an Emerging Land Market in Beijing, China.PLoS ONE10(6): e0130761. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130761. [SCI]

  20. Wu, W, Dong, G P, and Zhang, W. (2017). The puzzling heterogeneity of amenity capitalization effects on land markets.Papers in Regional Science96: 135-153. [SSCI/二区]


Awards and Distinctions

  1. 2016 Winner of The Jon Rasbash Prize for Quantitative Social Science.

  2. Editorial Board Member, Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science

  3. Fellow of British Higher Education Academy

  4. 2017/18 Outstanding Contribution to Teaching Award at the School of Environmental Science, University of Liverpool

  5. University of Bristol, Full Scholarship in Advanced Quantitative Methods (2011-2014)

  6. Postgraduate Fellowship at Peking University Lincoln Institute for Urban Development and Land Policy (2010 - 2011)