Abstract: Regionally specialized agriculture could be promoted by its continuous spatial diffusion of a specific crop in a certain area, which not only improves the efficiency of agricultural production, but also pushes the rapid development of agricultural economy. The spatial distribution of specialized plantation indicates its developing status to some extent. In this article, the spatial continuity of specialized plantation means that the cultivated area of this featured crop spatially continues to extend or shrink. Continuously expansion of this featured crop’s planting within a specific area leads to the regionalized and specialized production of this crop, on the contrary, spatially shrinking of this featured crop’s planting illustrates that its relevant industrial development potential is lack. Therefore, studying on the spatial continuity of specialized plantation and its determinants could explore the formation mechanism of regional specialization in specialized plantation and examine its development problems. Taking the raspberry planting in Fengqiu County, Henan Province, China as an example, based on the survey data and ArcGIS technique, this article analyzes the spatial continuity of specialized plantation from four aspects, that is, spatial diffusion network, the varieties of planting scale in villages, spatial distribution characteristics of different types of villages and spatial agglomeration characteristics of all planting villages. It is shown that, the number of raspberry planting villages, the planting scale and professional degree varied across raspberry planting villages. These findings indicate that the spatial coherence of raspberry planting in Fengqiu County was not strong. The villages which planting raspberry lasting for short-term, for example less than 3 years, were scattered in space, whereas the villages which planting raspberry with a long history were concentrated spatially. In addition, the planting villages which cooperated with different companies or social organizations had different duration in raspberry planting. The villages establishing settled connections with the leading processing enterprises had longer time in planting raspberry. As a whole, all planting villages were concentrated in a limited area. Further more, the Structural Equation Model(SEM) and AMOS 21.0 software were used to explore the influencing factors on the spatial continuity of specialized plantation. It is found that: 1) The individual characteristics of farmers, especially their spirit of adventure had a critical impact on their duration of planting; 2) Farmers with high accessibility to capital, technology, information and other production conditions continuously cultivated this crop longer; 3) Government had a positive effect on the decision of farmers' sustainable planting; 4) Resource environment, especially the fertility of soil, and the able persons significantly impacted on the planting size of the village; 5) The influence of village’s geographic location was weaker than that of infrastructure condition on the sustainable planting of featured crops. Finally, this article puts forward some corresponding policy recommendations for the regional sustainable development of raspberry industry in Fengqiu County and other regionalized industries, such as, cultivating the innovation consciousness of farmers by providing more learning resources for them, improving the agricultural infrastructure conditions, for example, water conservancy facilities, field road and communication facilities and so on, perfecting the agricultural financial service system, encouraging local governments to appropriately intervene their specialization and regionalization of agricultural development.
Key words: spatial diffusion; regional specialization; households; structural equation modeling
【source】Scientia Geographica Sinica 2018年03期