Abstract:Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone is the only national airport economy comprehensive experimental area approved by the State Council, and the important node of the Belt and Road Initiative, so the economy synergetic development between Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone and Henan province relates to the economy sustainable development of Henan province and Central Plains Economic Zone, and its exemplary role is of great significance for the national aviation economy development. Based on the principle and method of synergetics, we established the order parameter evaluation system, synergy degree model and obstacle degree model, and analyzed the spatial-temporal pattern, evaluation characters and obstacle factors of economy synergetic development between Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone and Henan province or 18 cities. Insufficient economic openness to outside and lower level of industrial structure were considered the major factors hindering the synergetic development between 18 cities and Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone during the period from 2011 to 2015.
Keyword:order degree; synergy degree; obstacle factor; Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone;
【source】 Human Geography 2018年01期